The first time Patrick Kingara climbed into the cab of a rig in 2003, he knew he had chosen the right business. “There in my hands right in front of me were freedom and control. I didn’t have to report to a lot of people, and that’s important to me. All I had to do was talk to my dispatcher, get my load and hit the road.”
Freedom and control also fueled Patrick’s decision to obtain his Authority and in 2006, establish his own five-vehicle trucking company — Pamekit Enterprises — in Mustang, Oklahoma.
“Trucking will always be here,” said Patrick. “This country would stop if we didn’t have trucking. Think about it – everything you have in your home, from food to furniture, has been delivered by a truck at some point.”
Patrick attributes his success to being “a stickler for efficiency – I tell my drivers to get to their destination ahead of time, so you have options in case something happens. You must always be in control.”
Patrick also credits TBS for his success. “Since 2011, TBS has been a partner who is there for me. I can call on them at any time, and they respond. They have shown me the financial benefits of factoring because you don’t have to go and borrow money from anybody.” For example, he is able to pay for fuel without any issues because TBS pays on a regular basis. “Factor your invoices and TBS pays the following day,” he says. “I can pay my drivers on pay day without any delays. It makes it easier to move on without having to worry about what will happen tomorrow.”
Married with four children, Patrick hopes to pass on to his children not just the value of freedom and control, but also the wisdom of being accountable for whatever they do. “I tell them to never forget that you’ll be judged on what you do. Actions will always speak louder than words.”